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学徒制 at Mitie

An apprenticeship with Mitie is an incredible way to build your experience, gain a professional qualification and work towards a brilliant future. # SignupSkillup

View our latest apprenticeship vacancies

Take the next step in your career with a Mitie apprenticeship. 有大量的角色可供选择,有一个有益的未来等着你.

Whether you are just starting out or you already have some experience, we’ll give you all the support you need to build a brilliant career.

Mitie is a great place to work, and we want our people to grow, develop and contribute towards our success. Our contribution to the environment and society, both within Mitie and in the communities we serve, 继续改善人们的生活,积极造福我们的世界,以确保一个更可持续的未来.

Your Mitie apprenticeship builds your skills and helps you gain qualifications, all while gaining essential experience – and of course, you’ll be getting paid too.

我们正在创造一个人人都有发言权、人人平等的环境, and are investing in equality, diversity and 包容 programmes to ensure all our colleagues can bring their true selves to work. 我们很荣幸今年再次入选英国包容性企业50强.

在你职业生涯的每一步,我们都会尽我们所能支持你。你只需要做你自己,带点雄心壮志, drive and commitment to succeed in your chosen apprenticeship.

We’re proud to be a Top 100 学徒制 Employer.

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Top 100 学徒制 Employer 2024 logo

Find the Mitie apprenticeship right for you

在Mitie, we have three different types of apprenticeships: professional, management and 科技nical.

我们提供一系列与专业业务支持角色相关的学徒计划, 包括:

  • 业务 administration
  • 客户澳博官方网站
  • 数据分析师
  • 项目管理
  • 金融
  • HR
  • Marketing and communication
  • 采购
  • 设施和澳博官方网站
  • Horticulture and landscaping
  • Custody and detention

Watch James’s story about completing a PR and Communications apprenticeship >

我们提供一系列的课程,以支持我们未来的经理和领导者的发展, 这些包括:

  • 设施 management
  • 团队领导
  • Operations departmental manager

Read Darren’s story about completing a 设施 Management apprenticeship >

我们提供一系列与工程和建筑角色相关的学徒计划. 这些包括:

  • Electrical (installation and maintenance pathways)
  • Building services engineer
  • 火 emergency and 安全系统 engineer
  • Property maintenance operative
  • Plumbing and heating
  • Wireless communications rigger
  • Painting and decorating
  • Carpentry and joinery
  • FM(硬澳博官方网站)

Watch Megan’s story about completing an Electrical Installation apprenticeship >

Apprenticeship vacancies are advertised at various points during the year. 点击下面的链接查看我们当前的空缺-您也可以注册以接收新学徒职位空缺的通知.

搜索 our latest vacancies >

If you can’t find what you are looking for at the moment, 您可以注册接收通知,当新的学徒空缺出现.


  • Type of Employment – Please select ‘Full Time’
  • Employee Group – Please select ‘Apprentice’
  • 角色类别-如果您希望接收所有学徒通知,您可以选择“学徒”, 或者你可以更具体地选择你有兴趣申请的学徒类型, such as ‘Engineering’

One you have registered, 您将开始收到学徒的电子邮件通知和空缺链接.

Set up alerts for apprenticeship vacancies >

Hear from Mitie apprentices

无论你是想从学校或大学毕业后就开始学徒生涯, 或者你有更多的经验,正在探索换工作的可能性, Mitie could provide the opportunity you're looking for. 听听我们现在的学徒们在英国最大的设施管理机构之一接受培训的经历.

“My 行业 qualification means I’ll never be short of work”

伊姆兰作为伦敦大学学院医院的电气学徒加入了Mitie. 他在伦敦一家繁忙的医院里与合格的工程师一起工作,在那里他承担了一系列的电气维护任务,以确保电气系统的安全运行.

“I would definitely recommend an apprenticeship at Mitie. Not everyday is the same, 我们要做很多不同的事情……我们是一个团队,我们所做的工作真的很有价值.”


It’s never too late to try something new


All of our current vacancies can be found at the link below.

Explore our apprenticeship vacancies
Three Mitie colleagues (front of house, cleaner and security guard) walking together in a reception area

Make your future Mitie


有很多课程可供选择,而且全年都有空缺. 我们的许多学徒在完成学徒期后选择继续在更高的水平上继续学习.

Mitie female engineering apprentice at work

Help your career take off

The length of Mitie programmes can last from 18 months up to four years, dependent on your chosen route.

You will gain a great range of work experience, skills development and a recognised qualification relevant to your programme. 你会得到支持的每一步的方式,帮助你得到最出你的学徒.

Mitie engineer using a touch screen interface






apprenticeship programmes

Find an apprenticeship near you

如果你已经准备好迈出职业生涯的下一步,加入我们才华横溢、雄心勃勃的员工队伍, we want to hear from you.


Male Mitie engineer fixing a fan


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Mitie已连续第三年被评为100强学徒雇主, 反映了其提供全面的学徒澳博官方网站,并致力于为其同事建立可持续的职业生涯. …
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Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities transformation company, 已宣布招收20名学员参加新的清洁及卫生督察二级学徒计划, helping to kick start their learning a…
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  • 2024年1月18日
Mitie has been recognised as a UK Top Employer for the sixth consecutive year, further cementing its dedication to becoming a destination employer. Certified by the Top Employers Institute, the UK Top Employer accre…
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Mitie连续第六年被评为英国50家最具包容性的雇主之一. 在2023年包容性50强英国雇主指数(IT50 List)中排名第24位,Mitie的入选…